The Google Maps Street View function is a reachable device that permits customers to discover close by areas, locate shops, routes, and locations. The Street View feature is not widely available in India and allows you to see your surroundings or place in a fully interactive 360-degree view.
However, Street View on Maps also shows the names of nearby shops, buildings, parked cars, and roads. Basically, you can see everything as it is in real life. All this runs the risk of revealing everything to the world and preventing this from happening, Google has its own rules and regulations.
Google has some privacy policies
Google’s official support page confirms that “street-level collections and photo paths will be automatically blurred to mask credentials such as faces and license plates. Also, if you upload a 360-view photo, you have the option to choose which elements of the photo appear and blur to respect the privacy of others.
Google allows users to request blur
If there is something in Google Maps that you came across, that should have been blurry, or that should not be a public portal like Google Maps, there is an option to ask Google to confirm and blur it. If you’ve uploaded a photo or know someone who uploaded the photo, you can also ask them to blur that part for you. And it can be anything — your home, building number, address, car license plate, etc., basically anything that violates the Street View privacy policies added by Google.
If you also have something like this and it bothers you, you can ask Google to blur it as follows. But before that, there are certain things you need to know about it.
Blurry photos are permanent. They can no longer be blurred.
Photo paths are no longer supported by Google. New photo paths can’t be published to Google Maps.
If Google doesn’t own the image, the image owner must blur the image before publishing it. However, you can report it to Google and make a blur request.
Steps to follow
- Open “” using Chrome or any other compatible browser
- Login (if not already)
- Now, move to the location where you want Google to add blur (like the house, car’s number plate, address, etc)
- Click on three vertical dots at the name tag of the location and choose “Report a problem”
- On the next page, select the building, number plate or whatever you want to report
- Choose what are you reporting, provide a reason, fill the captcha and email address and that’s it
- Hit Submit to register the request
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